My moments, my family, my friends and "my" soapboxes! And many recipes!
We all have at least 3 things we are each thankful for and if you would, please share with the WC family!
Published on November 23, 2005 By Cynder-Elluh In WinCustomize Talk

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Nov 23, 2005
I am thankful for my kitten. Way too cute.
on Nov 23, 2005
on Nov 23, 2005
(1) My Wife……Because she completes me.
(2) My Future…Because I love not knowing what’s next.
(3) My Scars…They remind the past was real.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
on Nov 23, 2005
1) Family.
2) I woke up this morning...get to live another day.
3) All my friends.

on Nov 23, 2005
I am thankful for:
(1) My freedom
(2) My health
(3) My job
(4) My family
(5) My cats
(6) Chocolate!
(7) Sex

Not necessarily in that order.
on Nov 24, 2005
I am Thankful for;

(1)my family
(2)Another day clean & sober
(3)My job
(4)My freedom
(5)My cat's
(6)My health, alway's
(7)My dear friends
(8)Thankful for the food I will eat.
(9)last but not least Wincustomize
on Nov 24, 2005

It's official, 12:45am "my" time! It's Thanksgiving Day"!

Thanks for all the replys! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

I am truly thankful for LOVE
I am so thankful for my cyber friends and world
I will always be thankful for opportunity!

I am eternally thankful for modern technologies!
on Nov 24, 2005
I am thankful to exist in this world and have this life.
on Nov 24, 2005
I'am thankful to be alive.
on Nov 24, 2005
I'm thankful WOM's alive too ...

otherwise I've been talking to the dead for ages

...Seriously though, I'm thankful that I have a loving family, great friends, a wonderful job ...and the beautiful area I live in.

..and a roof over my head & food on the table.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.
on Nov 24, 2005
HI ERIC! Happy Thanksgiving!!
on Nov 24, 2005
God and Jesus
Sleeping Dragon, visiting now!
Newt, the diabetic kitty, living still, doing well
Family & Friends
The smell of autumn leaves
2 Pages1 2